Check back in May for information on auditions for our summer show
Performances August 14-17 & 20-23
Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays @ 7:30
Sunday and Wednesday @ 2pm
At the Riverside Arts Center
In reference to character descriptions: We will list race/ethnicity when specific to the character but are otherwise seeking all races and ethnicities, and encourage actors of all types to audition. Additionally, most characters we encounter currently are on the binary and are written with he/him or she/her pronouns and you will see that in the descriptions. However, our casting seeks to be as inclusive as possible and we invite gender non-conforming, genderqueer, transgender and non-binary actors to submit for the roles they most identify with. Also, we will list disability when specific to a character, but are otherwise seeking actors with disabilities as well as non-disabled actors for all roles.